Skills: Graphic Design, Web Design

Website and Identity for Professional Services

My Second Web Development Project for San Diego Fiduciary

The Challenge: Our first site for Foster Thornton LLC was created as a static HTML site, and the client had received a number of positive comments on its appearance and professionalism. Much of this was probably due not so much from the design as the outstanding writing services provided by Leah Swearingen, a San Diego public relations professional. We particularly like one anecdote where the client was recommended by a lawyer along with several other fiduciaries…

The client looked at my website and decided she doesn’t want to even meet with anyone else.”

Positive comments are great but also caused us to want to figure out what elements of the old site design should be carried over to the new WordPress site. Screen sizes and visitors’ attention spans had changed a lot, so the site would need to look and function quite differently than the old one.

The Solution: I provided a custom themed WordPress website and blog. Shades of beige, gold and brown were used, along with soothing stock imagery, to give visitors a sense of calm during the process of selecting a fiduciary. The logo, identity and brochure design that we had previously designed for the client was working well for them, so the new website design featured the logo prominently, along with a solid box of the yellow logo color below.

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